U.S. History Crosswords

Teachers: Purchase a complete set of crossword puzzles for use in your U.S. History classes. Great for review, in-class exercises, and homework.

Students: Puzzles can help you review topics for quizzes and tests throughout the year.
Each of the 33 crossword puzzles features clues selected from the period or topic being studied. Teachers will find the puzzles helpful in reviewing for quizzes or tests or as in-class activities. Each puzzle has at least 20 terms, events, or people from the period or topic.

A link to a sample puzzle and key is provided for the 18th Century American Colonies unit. Here's a list of the topics covered.

Cost for a complete set of puzzles and keys, along with photocopying permission, is $15.

Teachers or students who are interested in securely purchasing the collection of the blank puzzles and answer keys for classroom use may use
a credit card through PayPal by selecting one of the buttons below.

Hard-copy version (spiral-bound set sent via U.S. mail)

Electronic version (pdf format sent via email)